AFEUDOUX designs in collaboration with Mr. Edgar Tafoya to develop various models. Our first model is the stove with stovetop, called the “Maria Bonita”. It is a product of our future company TECA, Tecnologías en Estufas y Combustibles Apropiados (Technologies in Stoves and Appropriate Fuels).
Operation and inputs
The Maria Bonita has an stove top (in this case volcanic stone) of 70 centimeters up to 1 meter long (in this case 87 centimeters), has a fireplace (the engine of the stove), has a combustion chamber that serves as an oven after the campfires. The stove is air-fed from below the combustion chamber through air injectors (with precise opening surfaces). At last the stove works with closed door.
The stove runs on loads of up to 1 kg of firewood every 20 minutes or so. It is important that the firewood is dry. Log is needed that are 30 centimeters long with a maximum diameter of 3 centimeters. We know that it is difficult for the user to procure logs with a diameter of 3 cm, so let me show them a technique to achieve it easily.
The user of the stove has the opportunity to find all the details of the operation of the stove in the user manual that we propose.
Technological and institutional aspects
It is important to know that this stove model has been designed in accordance with the European-approved calculation rules of the “Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt der Hafner” VFH, the testing and research institute for Austrian smurves. The Austrian masonry chimney association, the KOV, founded more than 80 years ago, created the VFH 20 years ago. The VFH institute has pioneered European standards and is notified by the European Commission in Brussels as a “Testing Laboratory” for solid fuel heating and cooking appliances. We, TECA, use the VFH calculation program to develop our stove and oven models.
This program allows us to have a balance in the shooting, efficiency guarantees and gas emission limits: A combustion efficiency of more than 99%, a useful efficiency of more than 83% (i.e. 83% of the firewood gives heat), and limits of gas emissions such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds and fine particles.
In Mexico, we, TECA, are part of the Solid Biofuels Cluster (BCS) of the Mexican Center for Innovation in Bioenergy. Within this Cluster, we have an agreement with the Biomass Stove Innovation and Evaluation Laboratory, LINEB, UNAM University and we are in a pilot process of evaluating this same stove to meet Mexican standards.
The ironed stove began with an improved replica of the Patsari stove developed by UNAM.
Below come photos of a construction of an adaptation of the Patsari stove with a closed combustion camera (oven stove).