Earth construction

Table in adobe Mulched coating Table in adobe
White Earth Coat, Drôme White Earth Coat, Ardèche
 Coated in white earth, Ain Red and lime earth coating  White Earth Coat, Ain
 Yellow Earth Coat, Isère  Red Earth Coating of the Royans, Isère  Coated white earth and yellow earth, Isère
Trumeaux Adobe Walls, Archi'terre Festival, Algiers  Trumeaux Adobe Walls, Archi'terre Festival, Algiers Trumeaux Adobe Walls, Archi'terre Festival, Algiers
 Adobe module, Earth Formation, Timimoun, Algeria  Adobe module, Earth Formation, Timimoun, Algeria Adobe domes, Earth Formation, Timimoun, Algeria
Cooking oven, Kaolack, Senegal Cooking oven, Kaolack, Senegal Ceramic cooking training, Kaolack, Senegal